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Author Topic: To Wake The Dead
SerKe Da'San

Sith Mercenary

Member # 396

posted 01-10-2003 09:43 AM     Profile for SerKe Da'San   Author's Homepage   Email SerKe Da'San     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
SerKe looked to Shayla, and nodded lightly. Hell, He didn't really know squat about the Sith. But He knew she wasn't one. Sith had horns. Another tidbit he had learned through his travels. He looked to her with a smile, no need to be unpolite...yet.

"Well...It all depends. First off...I thought the Sith were long gone. I wonder, how are they all here? And secondly...Is there a hall of records or something of that nature where I can look up family lineages?"

He was a bit perturbed at himself. He sounded like an idiot. Gah, How he hated it when he didn;t know enough. It was like being in pitch black darkness where you can't see a thing.


The needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many...most of the time...

Posts: 29 | From: Parts Unknown | Registered: Dec 2002  |  Logged:

Chosen Daughter

Member # 27

posted 01-10-2003 12:54 PM     Profile for Graysith   Author's Homepage   Email Graysith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
She lay with him as the ambient lighting dimmed with approaching dusk, and the flickering of the fire's light grew greater upon the walls of their room, letting herself go, letting the love he sent into her through their conjoinment buoy her up to raft her through waves of warmth and contentment and desire that only grew in size and impetus with each kiss they exchanged.

Indeed, Jharmeen, that conscious part of herself spoke up in a bit of a lazy manner, struggling to say its piece before giving way altogether before that rising tide now coming from Recinis. Indeed, now is the time to rest, and bask in the glories of victory.

For he is right. Victory is won.

That little portion of herself now turned to the Beast, who was even now rising within her, a questioning whimper issuing from deep within it. One part of her psyche raised a smiling finger to another.

That epiphany you realized is true, isn't it? All that matters is the end....

Something within her gave a silent nod of affirmation at that, then died away, leaving yet another spot within her being for Recinis to fill with the wealth of emotion he was sending to her. She shivered in growing pleasure, reaching out to him a bit more strongly, allowing that additional bit to seek haven within his own essence, to there share with him the growing feelings within her.

But there was yet a stubborn little spot within. The Beast, not content to settle down before the onslaught of love which normally muzzled it, cocked a figurative head deep within her heart and pondered. Another whimper broke from its jaws, and rose within her to strike with the slice of one razor-edged paw that conscious part of her mind.

The enormity of what had happened hit her then. Really and truly struck deeply within her soul. For time had brought a strange familiarity to what she had become and the task which had been laid before her; now that task was complete, and suddenly exclaimed its existence in loud words of reality.

The Sith had been brought four thousand years into the future.

They really, really were here.

Of course she knew this had happened; on one level of consciousness she laughed at herself for this surprised redundancy now flowing through her. But the Beast knew better, for it was he who guarded her heart. He now shook his head, growling a little in fright, and with a great effort sent a worrisome thought into her head.

Take a break, as Recinis has said? One earned...?

No, not merely a break. A... a conclusion. An ending. You have served your purpose, Jharmeen JhinDar Q'utaro. The Destiny is fulfulled, through your mere existence and interaction with transpiring events. The Sith have returned to the Universe denied them, and what in that universe shall you do now?

Something cold iced her veins, shooting through the Link and into Recinis's being. She struggled to reduce that icy arrow, but to no avail. There was nothing for it but allow it egress from her, for it was a part of her and they promised to share themselves with each other, every tiny bit.

From the education given to her by her Sire she knew the Sith to be a magickal peoples, and a proud one, one who once held the entire Galaxy in their collective hands. One who once ruled that galaxy, in fact. Ruling peoples as a matter of necessity generate their own rules and laws to guide them and those beneath their rule, this was also common knowledge. But...

Where did she now fit into those rules? And more importantly, where did Recinis? The rightful heir to the Dark Lord title; something had happened in the past to take it from his lineage, and place it into that of Roan's. What was it? How would he be received by a people who were firmly convinced that it was Roan who was the true Dark Lord of the Warrior clan?

Another thought struck: what about Jharu? How would the Sith view him, to her knowledge the first non-pureblooded Sith to be brought into being? And son of the one now wearing the golden tattoo of the Dark Lord of Warriors upon his wrist...?

The ice reached out within her, sucking the heat from what it touched, expanding itself a bit. She shivered....

...then stopped as the Beast took another surprised look about itself, threw back its head, and howled.

You are not yet finished, that howl seemed to say. Neither you nor your love can truly rest. For another destiny awaits you...

His being the capturing yet again of his rightful title...

And you, with your adept and her husband, indeed with your sister as well although she must be treated delicately for a bit... you to act as moderator, as diplomat, as the envoy who introduce this wonderful event to the galaxy, that all realize the rumors and dark hints which burgeoned throughout the past four millennia regarding these peoples were indeed nothing more than mere dreamfluff and myth.

The Beast gave a satisfied little nod, secure in its continued existence within her. Then it lay down, clawed paws cradling the kernal within her which held that image of herself and her family...

Her family. A family given to her by the Sith.

...and allowed the love and growing tides of pleasure to put itself to sleep.

Jharmeen gave out a small noise which was somewhere between a moan and a sigh, and reached out in the dancing firelight to finally lose herself, all of herself, in the arms of her husband and her Lord.


I ride the Stormcloud and the Night!

Posts: 3904 | From: Indianola, Iowa | Registered: Jul 2000  |  Logged:
Dark Lord Roan

Ultimate Sith Lord and Warrior

Member # 137

posted 01-10-2003 01:21 PM     Profile for Dark Lord Roan   Author's Homepage   Email Dark Lord Roan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The false Dark Lord let a deep rumble escape from his chest as Kreesha kept at her actions, her lips nibbling, her claws lightly raking and tickling, the feel of the nearness of her body and the natural perfumes of it combining to send him into near-paroxysms of delight.

Indeed, it was this one who had buoyed him up through those long three years, the knowledge that She lay at the end of a destiny he had insidiously woven into the one created by Aelvedaar, and to his own never-ending great and darkened joy one which that Dark Lord had never had the slightest inkling to have existed...

...until it had been far too late. The machine of Time had moved in his favor, moaning and grumbling as its wheels turned.

But he had won, hadn't he. True, that victory was at the sacrifice of many beings created from his own flesh and blood, but--

He paused with that nearly unconscious thought, then gripped Kreesha more tightly to him.

They were not worthy of the name Roan, and thus deserved to be treated merely as the pawns they were.

It didn't matter. All that did was this glorious being astride him, who was doing everything in her considerable power to fan into wondrous life the growing flames of desire and passion within him. All else cooled in comparison: the deaths in the temple, the worried and frightened emotions now filling that temple, even the apocalyptic announcement he had yet to make to his own people.

All of it paled, and would wait until he had reduced his hungers for his Lady to more manageable levels.

Three years was a long time....

Now he broke away from her a bit, a loud guffaw of dark laughter exploding from him.

"Is that all you wish for, my Lady?" he growled, his turquoise eyes gleaming in the dark of the night which had fallen to curtain their passions, for indeed he had let the entire day flow away beneath the pure intoxication that was Her.

"Aye, I shall see to this gift for you." He reached up, his lips locking on her throat, holding there as his tongue ran languorously up and down it. His grip tightened upon her flesh.

"And to match the ensemble... twin armlets, glorious ones befitting the Lady which you are, and wrought from the bones of Rean. Set likewise with rubies, held in his teeth. I shall see to its implementation in the morning, my love. For whatever you desire, it is yours, and more.

"But for now...."

He grew serious then, drawing her down to him, taking her with one hand by one horn, the other cupping the back of her head, grasping those luscious flaxen tresses, holding her head to him as she continued with her promise of payment to him.

[ 01-10-2003 01:22 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Dark Lord Roan ]


Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war!

Posts: 214 | From: The darker side of midnight.... | Registered: Nov 2001  |  Logged:
Shayla Stargazer Petrolu


Member # 123

posted 01-10-2003 02:16 PM     Profile for Shayla Stargazer Petrolu   Author's Homepage   Email Shayla Stargazer Petrolu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Shayla cocked her head a bit and pursed her lips thoughtfully. She wondered why this fellow wanted to look up something regarding Sith lineage...

...when her keen eyes picked up on something. Or rather two somethings, mostly hidden by hair, but definitely there.

Horns. Was this guy part Sith? Or somehow related? He sure seemed to KNOW something about the Sith, if not much...

Finally Shayla answered him. "I think you will better find the answers that you seek in someone who is more knowledgeable about such things indeed," she replied.

Then, with the wave of her hand she lead him onward, seeking out to see if she could find that sense that was Lord Aelvedaar...

...when she at length instead crossed paths with Aeylmaar.

"Excuse me," she said, waiting for him to come to a halt and then motioning to the newcomer. "This one has some questions regarding the Sith. I am certain that you will be able to assist him in finding what he seeks, for I am but learning myself."

She bowed her head slightly then, actually feeling humbled to be once more in the presence of the Sith, her own heart and mind yearning to know and understand their ways to the letter. Then she stepped back a bit and waited, the young man beside her standing likewise in curiosity and interest as well.


"Small minds think in small terms!"
(I am NOT turning to the Darkside...)

Posts: 1711 | From: see Mara1Jade | Registered: Jun 2001  |  Logged:

Heir Apparent to Dark Lord, Sorcerer Clan of the Sith

Member # 416

posted 01-10-2003 02:37 PM     Profile for Aeylmaar   Author's Homepage   Email Aeylmaar     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Aeylmaar came into the Dining Hall after retracing his trail to the very doors of the Temple itself. That entire path had brought no newcomer to his immediate sight; he sighed as he came to the entrance and stopped there, knowing his father would not lie to him, and that he had much yet to learn. Then he thought a moment, and turned round yet again.

The Dining Hall... perhaps hunger had driven this unknown newcomer to somehow stumble upon it.

Turning in his tracks, he went back the way he had come, exiting the Grand Hall through the double doors at its back, re-entering the stone corridor once again, and there a few paces beyond the door leading into the Dining Hall he ran into the others who had come with the Chosen One and her consort.

A newcomer indeed was with them.

He came up to them with a respectful bow. Then he straightened.

"I trust your accommodations are satisfactory?" he asked Shayla and Erik, nodding his ram's horns one again to them as he waited for a reply. Yet his amber eyes could not help but slide to this newcomer, who looked so strangely... Sith, yet somehow not.

He now bowed his head to the stranger, striving to push away his rising curiosity regarding his unfamiliar manner of dress, as well as the strange items hanging upon his belt; indeed, hanging upon the belts of the others as well.

"I am to lead you to accommodations of your own," he said smoothly, then pulled back a bit to address the little group as a whole.

"All your questions shall be answered tomorrow; for now, it is time to rest and refresh and regain your strength. For all of you are new to Choyapenthe; we beg you partake of our hospitality until the time comes that my Lord shall call you before him."

He then fell into a somewhat anxious sort of silence, and merely half turned, indicating the stone passageway ahead with a wave of a polite and clawed hand.

[ 01-10-2003 02:42 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aeylmaar ]


No greater honor can any Sith ask, than to serve his Clan and his Lord.

Posts: 143 | From: Khar Delba | Registered: Jan 2003  |  Logged:


Member # 413

posted 01-10-2003 07:00 PM     Profile for Kreesha   Author's Homepage   Email Kreesha     Edit/Delete Post
She was beside herself in expectation, she could already feel the smoothly pollished jewlry on her perefectly formed body...

Her lips drew even tighter to his as she devoted herself to the great love which was going to give her such a gift...

At her back she could feel one of his hands running through her hair, sending shivers through her... As she gave more and more of herself to him she almost growled to here a nock at the door, and the expectant voice of Errizal calling out to them politly, he was a young warrior whom she did not like at all... He was young, and cocky... She could easily sense that he saught to find the skill and power to overthrow her lord... But she would destroy him when the time came right should he try such a thing...

as the calling continued she felt roan begin to stir from his acceptance of her deeds upon him, but she quickly put a hand upon his chest, and shoved him back to lay flat upon his back, shaking her head slowly... "i will deal with this one Lord..."

She smiled wickedly for a moment, before allowing a much sweater one to splay upon her features...

Quietly arrising, allowing roan one more kiss before turning to open the door and address the calling warrior.

"excuse me my la-" his voice paused as his eyes met her body, and quickly turned away, not daring risk she have him killed for viewing her in such a manor.

"what is it?" her voice seemed to come out a soothing pure, just begging for him to give her reason to die by the silver dagger she always kept upon her belt, which was even now upon her, having only bothered to place that about her before answering his call.

"I... The warriors M'lady... we are waiting...for you and Lord Roan to give us your orders before we seek out our missions..."
he fell quiet then, eyes darting about wildly, quickly taking in the beauty before him, without allowing her to see it...

Her hand clenched tightly about the dagger at her side for a moment, considering the possibilities of slaying him right now...

Finaly she spoke in harsh tones, "Such things are not for a warrior to decide, you will recieve what we give when the time comes, Never knock upon this door again, for my lord would be happy to give your life to S'slan."

with that the door shut, and she removed her belt, quickly returning to roan she practicly leapt upon the bed, using her fierce agility to catch him as a preditor catches its prey, causing them to both slide upon the floor next to the bed...

But by the time they hit that floor, she had already renewed her acts of paying him for the gifts she so eagerly awaited...

As she continued, she smiled and gave Ankrist a teasing lick, noting the he had not even paid heed to the fact that no longer upon the soft folds of there bed...

She smiled giving his lips another quick lick before speaking, "I want his life as well My Lord... I want to watch your blade enter him inch by inch, before finaly allowing him to be fed to S'slan in shame..."

She didnt wait for a reply from him, merly going back to her deeds, pulling the many soft blankets from the bed to drape about them in seclusion...

Posts: 20 | From: | Registered: Jan 2003  |  Logged:


Member # 342

posted 01-10-2003 07:03 PM     Profile for Jharu   Author's Homepage   Email Jharu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Jharu finished his tour and thanked those who had given it, now returning to the temple with Ghrr ever protectivly at his side...

They entered the temple, and Jharu found his way to the dinning hall, making a plate for himself, before looking at Ghrr and giving her a light nodd, which sent her off on her own into the jungle so she might find food, and remove the tension in her muscles by running about freely...

He smiled to himself and sat down to eat, knowing that she would find her way back to him when ready...


"power? power is meaningless, It is wisdom that rules my Destiny"

Posts: 165 | From: | Registered: Sep 2002  |  Logged:
SerKe Da'San

Sith Mercenary

Member # 396

posted 01-10-2003 07:07 PM     Profile for SerKe Da'San   Author's Homepage   Email SerKe Da'San     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on here. I didn't come here just to be told to relax. I don;t have time to relax."

SerKe looked to the Sith in front of him, about the same age as he, SerKe wagered.

"Listen, whoever can answer my question, please, bring me to them. I only have a few, and then I'll be on my way. After all...I have jobs to do."

SerKe looked to Shayla as he walked with the three, and took note of her emotions. He could sense that she thought...that he...didn't belong...

"Well, just in case you are wondering...

He moved his hair to show the two 1" twirled horns upon his brow.

...I am of Sith blood."


The needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many...most of the time...

Posts: 29 | From: Parts Unknown | Registered: Dec 2002  |  Logged:

Heir Apparent to Dark Lord, Sorcerer Clan of the Sith

Member # 416

posted 01-10-2003 10:08 PM     Profile for Aeylmaar   Author's Homepage   Email Aeylmaar     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Aeylmaar paused, hearing the low-voiced discourse going on behind him. He turned then to face the three newcomers, cocking his head a bit to the side as he sized them up.

It was all he could do to keep from snorting his amusement at the sight of the tiny horns which protruded through the mane of hair atop this stranger's head. Then he composed himself as the words the man had spoken sunk into him.

The pair coming with the Chosen One were polite enough, but this other.... Perhaps he was of the Warrior clan, visiting from K'eel Doba, bringing news of one thing or another? A diplomat to speak on behalf of Lord Roan, perhaps; he certainly did have that certain air about him which all warriors did, that aura of self-assurance and lording it over one....

He couldn't help but frown, his amber eyes darkening to smoky topaz as his thoughts continued within him.

That clan should be more grateful to ours, as well as to the weaponry one, he couldn't help but scowl. For where would they be without the wonderful blades forged by the Weapon Masters? How well would they defend us from harm without the magicks of we Sorcerers to aid them?

The threatening cloud flicked through his countenance like one passing across a blue sky, only momentarily darkening it but prompting no true storm to occur. He smoothed his features back to bland servitude, and bowed to them again.

"Lord Aelvedaar is not seeing visitors until the morrow," he announced, a touch smugly. "You will be called for... at his bidding."

Then his smile broadened into a genuine one.

"Come," he said to SerKe, motioning with one hand. "Let me show you to quarters, where you may... ahh, take the opportunity to formulate your questions of our Dark Lord. For his time is precious as well; you may sleep or not, as is your wont. But if you wish to speak with him, you must wait until at least the morrow."

He stopped then, halting the group in their tracks. Then he nodded to Shayla and Erik.

"I trust you have found your accommodations satisfactory?" he repeated his former query of them, gracing them with a half bow. "Have you yet supped; if so, would you be desiring an after-dinner wine? We can be most generous in that arena."

His eyes seemed to glitter with the unmentioned desire to join with them in a bit of camaraderie, as though attempting to show his desire to discover as much as he could about them... as he sensed they wished to be enlightened of him and his people.


No greater honor can any Sith ask, than to serve his Clan and his Lord.

Posts: 143 | From: Khar Delba | Registered: Jan 2003  |  Logged:
Shayla Stargazer Petrolu


Member # 123

posted 01-10-2003 11:10 PM     Profile for Shayla Stargazer Petrolu   Author's Homepage   Email Shayla Stargazer Petrolu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Shayla smiled in response to Aeylmaar's question. "Yes, everything is simply wonderful," she replied, her smile broadening as she sensed an aura of keen interest from the young Sith similar to the interest she felt within herself. Then she continued with, "We have taken dinner; some wine would make a nice finish however--"

She paused for a mere moment, flicking her gaze to Erik then back to Aeylmaar. "--would you care to join us? I have to admit, I'm taken aback now that I'm surrounded by a living Sith planet. I'd love to learn more about it if you have the time..."

She paused at that, her greeny-blues radiating curiosity and interest... well as the warmth of extended friendship.


"Small minds think in small terms!"
(I am NOT turning to the Darkside...)

Posts: 1711 | From: see Mara1Jade | Registered: Jun 2001  |  Logged:

Heir Apparent to Dark Lord, Sorcerer Clan of the Sith

Member # 416

posted 01-10-2003 11:41 PM     Profile for Aeylmaar   Author's Homepage   Email Aeylmaar     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Aeylmaar flashed a brilliant white smile at Shayla, one highlighted by his four elongated and razor-edged canines. The otherwise wolfish expression was softened by his eyes, which glowed like the setting sun.

"I would be happy... and proud, to sit and drink with you!" he exclaimed happily. He waved a hand back the way they had come.

"If you would be so good as to return to the Dining Hall, there is a small lounge at its back. A curving stone wall hides it; there is a small opening covered by hanging strings of platlah nuts. Enter there, and I will join you momentarily."

With that he bowed, then nodding again to SerKe led him onward through the depths of the Temple. At length he stopped before a door which he opened to reveal a bedchamber. Large it was, containing a fireplace and bed covered with skins and furs as befit a warrior. Weaponry of Sith and alien origin graced the walls, which likewise were adorned with the mounted heads of animals taken from many worlds.

A strangely striped and spotted hide lay on the stone floor; it soon glowed with the dance of flames as Aeylmaar waved a hand and a fire swooshed into life in the fireplace.

He turned to SerKe with a little shrug.

"I trust you will find this room to your liking, sir," he purred quietly, something dark flashing in the depths of his eyes. He then turned to leave, but forced himself to stop. A quiet sigh broke the silence as he forced himself to be polite.

For the sake of my father....

"Perhaps you would deign to join us for some wine?" he finally offered, finishing with, "We shall be in the small club at the back of the Dining Hall. I trust you remember your way there?"

With that he bowed once more, then left, hurrying back to where he had left Shayla and Erik. In a few moments more he had entered the Dining Hall, striding quickly past the various Sith of the Temple and court, who were all partaking of a late meal and whispering to themselves of the strange goings on of late. Their vivid, multi-colored eyes raked him as he moved past them, eyeing his new tattoo, seeing where he was headed. All whispers came to a halt...

...only to pick up behind him as he entered the club.

His eyes dilated quickly in the dim lighting, finding where the two had taken a seat, and soon he was sliding into a hide-covered stool at their table. He made a particular move with one hand, and before the newcomers could scarcely blink a lissome young Sith female was beside them, setting strangely shaped glasses down before them. A deep and richly green liquid sparkled there, filled with a strange golden tinge.

Aeylmaar bowed his head, and took up his drink.

"I hope you like this," he opened, taking a sip and then sighing as he set the glass down again. "It's a very good vintage."

He leaned forward a bit, now pinning the pair with an eagerness he couldn't restrain any longer.

"Tell me," he said in a soft but excited voice. "Who exactly are you, and how did you come to be with the Chosen One? Are you her hand-maiden and page?"

He quieted then, taking another sip of the heady Sith wine, and sighed again as it flowed like liquid fire down his throat.


No greater honor can any Sith ask, than to serve his Clan and his Lord.

Posts: 143 | From: Khar Delba | Registered: Jan 2003  |  Logged:


Member # 342

posted 01-10-2003 11:51 PM     Profile for Jharu   Author's Homepage   Email Jharu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Jharu noticed as shayla walked in and exited through another door, taking a few more bits of his dish, and finishing the plate he stood and followed after...
So bored... Hopefully she will let me stay around... I need someone to talk to....

As he entered the place he found himself lost in a darker lighting looking about he finaly found where she had gone, approuchign moments after Aeylmaar had sat down...

As he reached there little table he looked pleadingly at shayla for a moment, "Can i stay here with you? I dont have anyone else to talk to... Please?"

His eyes then wandered the Aeylmaar and his pleading gaze asking for approval from someone, anyone...


"power? power is meaningless, It is wisdom that rules my Destiny"

Posts: 165 | From: | Registered: Sep 2002  |  Logged:

Heir Apparent to Dark Lord, Sorcerer Clan of the Sith

Member # 416

posted 01-11-2003 12:10 AM     Profile for Aeylmaar   Author's Homepage   Email Aeylmaar     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Aeylmaar cocked his head as he looked up to the young lad who had seemingly appeared out of nowhere. He opened his mouth to speak, perhaps to send him off to his parents...

Or... at least to rooms of his own....

...when he stopped. The club of the Temple of the Sorcerer's fell away as his vision tunnelled, his eyes now pinning to the tattoo gracing the young Sith's wrist. His eyes flicked to his own tattoo, then back to Jharu's.

He frowned.

I thought this lad was with the consort of the Chosen One? Perhaps he too is from Lord Roan, as is the other newcomer to our midst...

He smiled gently then, and motioned Jharu seat himself. Then he ordered the boy a glass of the wine, and took another sip of his own while he waited to hear what the young lady or her escort would say to him.


No greater honor can any Sith ask, than to serve his Clan and his Lord.

Posts: 143 | From: Khar Delba | Registered: Jan 2003  |  Logged:
Shayla Stargazer Petrolu


Member # 123

posted 01-11-2003 12:27 AM     Profile for Shayla Stargazer Petrolu   Author's Homepage   Email Shayla Stargazer Petrolu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Shayla took a small sip of her wine, a smile again playing about her lips at Aeylmaar's question.

"I am Shayla Petrolu Kartan," she said. "This is my husband Erik. I was in training to become a Jedi," she explained then, a somewhat smug look crossing her features in tandem with the word Jedi, "when I came to be with Graysith by nothing other than the wll of the All; Erik joined us later as a pilot and ally, as well as a Force-user himself. It is my great honor to be Graysith's Adept and Chosen Sister."

She pursed her lips then, her own curiosities mounting, her keen greeny-blues noting the mark upon Aeylmaar's wrist.

This one was an Heir...

"Are you Heir to the Sorceror Clan?" she asked curiously, falling silent at that then taking another sip of her wine.

[ 01-11-2003 12:29 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


"Small minds think in small terms!"
(I am NOT turning to the Darkside...)

Posts: 1711 | From: see Mara1Jade | Registered: Jun 2001  |  Logged:

Heir Apparent to Dark Lord, Sorcerer Clan of the Sith

Member # 416

posted 01-11-2003 12:44 AM     Profile for Aeylmaar   Author's Homepage   Email Aeylmaar     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The young Sith's eyes widened, momentarily confused.


"Ahh," he finally answered, understanding clearing his eyes. "You refer to the Chosen One. You-"

He cut himself off abruptly, his amber eyes widening further.

"You-- you are Adept and... and Chosen Sister to... to Her?" he gasped, quietly enough, but with every ounce of respect in him. No sooner had the words left his lips than he leapt to his feet, and bowed deeply at the waist.

"My Lady," he murmured quietly; then, casting her a somewhat more nervous glance than before, he reseated himself and reached for his wine. An entirely too large a swig of it disappeared down his throat. He blinked a bit, then remembered he had been asked a question.

His eyes raked his tattoo.

"Y- yes, I-- I am the heir to the Sorcerers," he stammered; then pride filled his breast and he firmed. "I was Adept to Lord Aelvedaar; he rescued me from a horrid life in the weaponry clan, brought me here, and took me under his wing. It is only recently that this great honor has befallen me, and that I have been declared his Chosen Son."

He fell silent for a moment, then whispered, "I really haven't gotten quite used to it yet."


No greater honor can any Sith ask, than to serve his Clan and his Lord.

Posts: 143 | From: Khar Delba | Registered: Jan 2003  |  Logged:
Erik Kartan

Corellian Info Smuggler and Pilot

Member # 129

posted 01-11-2003 01:08 AM     Profile for Erik Kartan   Author's Homepage   Email Erik Kartan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
It was all Erik could do to keep his eyebrows from shooting up in total surprise to Aeylmaar's sudden show of complete respect and honor. Beside him, Shayla merely took everything in stride, responding in turn to Aeylmaar with a bow of her own, respecting the Sith's title as the Heir to the Sorcerors. He nodded his own head in respect.

Then, yeilding to a curiosity of his own, Erik quirked a brow and laid a question out on the table. "Could you tell us a bit more about the Clans of the Sith and about the governing system?"

Falling silent at that, he waited to see what Aeylmaar might reveal to them. And after all, if they were going to be here helping Lord Aelvedaar, Recinis, and Graysith they'd need to have a good understanding of these things...

[ 01-11-2003 01:09 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Erik Kartan ]


Hey! Where's my A-wing?!
My heart is broken....sweet sleep my Dark Angel... Evanescence, "My Heart is Broken"

Posts: 447 | From: see Mara1Jade | Registered: Aug 2001  |  Logged:
Dark Lord Roan

Ultimate Sith Lord and Warrior

Member # 137

posted 01-11-2003 04:54 AM     Profile for Dark Lord Roan   Author's Homepage   Email Dark Lord Roan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Ankrist Roan's powerful muscles rippled, tensing, preparing to launch himself to his feet to do the bidding of his Lady. For indeed, his dark soul held only one small spark of light within it, but one which burned with such a ferocity as to keep the newly acquired power of the All in his command, and that spark was the deep-running river of his love for Kreesha. Every mention of her name sent him flashing back to the day of ceremony, that day when he took that mantle which had been established only his lineage would hold, that day when he commanded her to be brought to him, that he take her unto himself even as he took title of Dark Lord of the Warrior Clan of the Sith. And from the moment she had strode into his presence, upright, fiery and proud, not deigning to bow to him or any other Sith, something within him had simply given itself to her.

He would do anything for her. He loved her that much... although, until recently, he had never let it show.

But now, the three year hiatus had straightened matters out for him; he had seen how foolish it was of him to remain so aloof, so standoffish to those very feelings which gave him strength. Someone had indeed once said: "The strongest of all are those who can take it upon themselves to be weak;" he had laughed when he read that, not understanding it in the slightest.

Now he did.

He growled against Kreesha's throat, his one hand crushing her to him, his other... busy implementing certain pleasurable acts upon her shivering body.

"Shall I give the prey chase now, my love?" he whispered hotly against her flesh. "Do you desire his blood now, in this chamber, that we wallow and drink of it together? I saw how he looked at you; I would have slain him on the spot had he not, for the vessel in which you dwell is the closest thing to being a goddess one could ever attain; such sacrilege is not worthy of a warrior. Yet I saw how he looked at you... I shall force him to gouge out his own eyes and present them to you, that they shall always be upon you... do you desire this, my love? Does this increase the flame in your heart?

"Or perhaps..." He trailed off, raining fierce kisses upon her throat, following the lithe lines of her neck down to the hollow of her shoulder, down, across, around, laying his lips wherever they might land, his hands gripping her fiercely, pressing her to him as his hot words continued against her body.

"Perhaps I shall command that he gnaw out his own tongue, for the impertinence he has brought to you this night. What say you, my Lady? For you have only to command it... the inch by inch sliding of blade into his sorry flesh is a waste of good Sith metal...."

His words trailed off then into an indecipherable murmuring as, gripping her yet more tightly to him, he proceeded to bring her to the soaring heights of delight that he knew only they could find together. The blankets blocked them from the universe in general then as, inspired by the heat of his own words, he took her up and led her into a totally different one.

And at the coming of the dawn... the heraldry of a new Sith Empire, one led by one, the Ultimate Dark Lord over all...

...with the true Lady of the Night at his side.


Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war!

Posts: 214 | From: The darker side of midnight.... | Registered: Nov 2001  |  Logged:
SerKe Da'San

Sith Mercenary

Member # 396

posted 01-11-2003 09:07 AM     Profile for SerKe Da'San   Author's Homepage   Email SerKe Da'San     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
SerKe nodded to Aelymaar as he left for the club. Nice weaponry indeed. SerKe sat down on a rather ornate chair, and quietly thought to himself, although, his throughts were loud in his head, almost as if he were trying to reach out unconciously to someone...anyone.

What did I do? Why was I apparently "brought back from the past"? So many questions...but no answers whatsoever. All these years, training, forging blades of steel and making blasters and sheilds and spare engine parts, earning millions of credits, and killing so many along the way. What was it all for? The Sith, Long gone, and I find out I AM one. I mean, why in the frell was I made to come back here. Why is it that I, SerKe Krif'axx Da'San are made to be here in the now only to realize I am nothing more than a clone. At least I can take comfort in the fact that there are no more of myself. The Kamino destroyed the original blood sample as soon as they got the information the needed from it. But still...why did I want to be killed in the past, only to come back now? Who am I really? What is my destiny? Oh for the ever loving galaxy, if only this nightly torture would cease!

SerKe lowered his head into his hands. For all he was and all he had become, he still hadn't a clue as to who he was. Like a flower torn asunder, He felt so incomplete. And a tear, pure and clear, fell from his face to the floor, a tiny pool of radiance in which he could see all his hopes and dreams...

[ 01-11-2003 09:08 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by SerKe Da'San ]


The needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many...most of the time...

Posts: 29 | From: Parts Unknown | Registered: Dec 2002  |  Logged:


Member # 342

posted 01-11-2003 10:34 AM     Profile for Jharu   Author's Homepage   Email Jharu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Jharu looked at the small, simple glass before him... The liquide within looked somewhat like what he had seen jasyn drinking, only it was slightly deeper in color...

Reaching out almost cautiosly, he took hold of the glass and brought it to his lips, sniffing first, before taking a small swallow, pausing a moment, and then taking another before putting it down and shaking his head slowly.

What IS that stuff? It tastes so WIERD...

his hand reached out then to push the glass away from him, his head shaking once more, "i dont think Mom would be to happy to know i was drinking that... She didnt seem to like it to much when Jasyn did..."

He then turned to shayla and turned his smile on high beams for a moment before turning to Aeylmaar and speaking cheerfully, "So now your the hier to the sorcerers clan... Thats neat... Do you think you could teach me about sith magick sometime? I dont really understand father told me a little about it... But im kind of in the dark beside knowing that it can take shape in many different way's..."

He then quieted and stared at the glass he had pushed away... It wasnt really that good, and he didnt realy want to drink it... But it did have a nice aftertaste that could grow on you...


"power? power is meaningless, It is wisdom that rules my Destiny"

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Sith Protector

Member # 266

posted 01-11-2003 12:33 PM     Profile for Recinis   Author's Homepage   Email Recinis     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Recinis had nodded to her as he felt her find acceptance, whispering softly to her in promise, "this is indeed not the end... Merly the first step, Your destiny as the Chosen daughter of the sith has been met, now you must meet the destiny of the Lady of the Warrior clan..."

And that had been the last of his words as they drifted through the wonderfully strong currents of there love, finding themselves within eachother all over again...

Finaly they had found themselves quietly simmering in the warmth of there love, holding eachother tightly, simply looking into the others eyes, bestowing kisses upon eachother at seeming random...

He couldnt help but smile brightly at her, for she was all he had in this universe, her and thier son, both of them made up his entire universe, and he would do anything to make them both live happy and wonderful lives...

"Jharmeen... We have both come far from where our lives started... You have gone from a human existance to one of sith, and i have taken a stroll through the boundries of time which no mortal could ever cheat...
It has become clear to me, that none of this would have been worth it, had you not been here to recieve me... I could not have ever found that this time could be my home as much as the time i came from, without you here to accept me..."
He then gave her another kiss and snuggled closer to her wrapping the soft blanket even more about them he sighed as he allowed himself to float through the pool of happiness she provided for him... Her mere existance brought him more joy then ever he could have found otherwise...
unable to hold back the impulse, he kissed her again before whispering a vow which he simply could not speak to her enough, "with all my heart i love you Jharmeen..."

They remained like that for sometime, just enjoying the time together... But slowly he drew into her again for a long and love filled kiss, allowing there universe to fade away into memmory, as they once more found there way to that place that she had created for them before, floating amongst the stars to fall gently upon a bed of moss within a lush forest, of a world that existed only for them...


"my hearts my strongest weapon, my mind my swiftess blade, the words i speak can cut your flesh, and leave you in the gray"

Posts: 456 | From: | Registered: Jun 2002  |  Logged:

Chosen Daughter

Member # 27

posted 01-11-2003 05:28 PM     Profile for Graysith   Author's Homepage   Email Graysith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Jharmeen smiled softly in response to Recinis's loving comments to her. She snuggled closer to him, reaching her hands to cup his face, to run upon the strong planes of it even as her lips grasped his in a series of quick and loving kisses. Then, as was her wont, those hands followed the outline of his jaw upward, pausing to lightly caress his ears, before continuing on to take a horn within each one. Her fingers closed upon those horns, holding them tightly, holding his head against herself.

"Indeed, how silly I was, my dearest love," she whispered through the kisses she was bestowing upon him. "To think that the return of your people to their glorious reunion with life would marshall the end of my purpose; I have been mindless to ever have once entertained the thought."

Now her eyes grew serious, and she lightly pulled upon his horns, pulling his face away from her that she could meet his eyes with hers. They glistened with love in the dim green light now surrounding them.

"For you and I are indeed two unique to our circumstances; where we have each other, therein lies our destinies, irretrievably intertwined. How long it has been, since we last shared the road to that destiny with each other...."

She pulled him to her again, hugging him closely, feeling the synchronized beating of their hearts. Then her eyes roved away from him, and took in the cool green jungle mosses upon which they were laying. A slow smile creased her lips; she turned her head now, catching his earlobe between her teeth, lightly tickling with her breath as she now whispered,

"I have another world to share with you...."

A simple act; she closed her eyes. The Glyph flared into brilliant life...

...and quite suddenly the cool green shadows were replaced by even colder turquoises and teals and icy, icy whites of pristine snow. For suddenly, the jungle around them had faded into nonexistence, taken over by the sudden encroachment of the pure beauty of a glacier; all about them the shadows reflected themselves, born upon the shining surfaces which everywhere they looked revealed images of themselves, arms enthralled with each other. Darker blues deep within spoke of the almost living heart of the ice, ice with strange and beauteous channel and swirl, crevass and tunnel, and sharp and musical icicles which hung over their heads. They let out wonderful notes of sound as their breath condensed, then echoed off of them, bringing them into a magickal pseudo-life all of their own.

Surrounded by the wonder of ice, kept warm by the energized air pocket she brought into existence about them, their actions reflected from wall to wall, from floor to ceiling, the violet and green of their eyes bringing a touch of spring into winter... the Lady Q'utaro reached out her arms and her love to her husband, seeking once more to utterly lose herself in him.


I ride the Stormcloud and the Night!

Posts: 3904 | From: Indianola, Iowa | Registered: Jul 2000  |  Logged:

Heir Apparent to Dark Lord, Sorcerer Clan of the Sith

Member # 416

posted 01-11-2003 06:43 PM     Profile for Aeylmaar   Author's Homepage   Email Aeylmaar     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Aeylmaar smiled at the young Sith, noting how he carefully pushed away the glass of heady wine ordered for him. He motioned to the Sith behind the bar, and in no time at all that same lissome young lady Sith was at their table, setting another round of drinks before them all, only this time giving Jharu something mint green and fruity.

He drained his first glass, and set it upon the tray of the departing young lady before turning to Jharu.

"The mark you bear upon your wrist denotes you as heir to the Warrior's clan, young one," he smiled. "I may show you a few simple moves, but I'm afraid that the mysteries of my clan must remain within it."

His smile broadened, and he shifted to a more comfortable position.

"Besides," he finished with a casual wave of one clawed hand. "What would the son of Roan be needing with such magicks? There is warrior strength enough for two sorcerers within you, my young man; what need would you have with the magicks of the Sith?"


No greater honor can any Sith ask, than to serve his Clan and his Lord.

Posts: 143 | From: Khar Delba | Registered: Jan 2003  |  Logged:


Member # 342

posted 01-11-2003 07:00 PM     Profile for Jharu   Author's Homepage   Email Jharu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Jharu had just finished his glass when Aeylmaar had finished his words, and the glass simply shattered as a wave of anger rushed through him unexpectantly, causing his hands to clench into a fist...
He looked at Aeylmaar for a moment suddenly losing some of his childishness under the hatred he had found within his heart saved especialy for roan, "I am no son of Roan... He who hurts people just to get what he desires... My parants are Jharmeen and recinis Q'utaro..."

Then just as suddenly as it had came, the anger subsided and he looked down at his bleeding hand...

His eyes went wide and he snatched up a few napkins and wrapped them about his hand. "ooww.... That hurts..."

He then returned his once more wide eyes to the sorcerer, "What would make you think i was the son of...roan anyway?"
he couldnt help but wonder what it was that he simple did not have all of the information to see...
But that line of thought didnt last long as he turned his eyes downward to his hand. "ouch... That really really hurts... I have to remember not to do that anymore..."

He then quieted as he replaced the bloodied napkins for a few new ones.


"power? power is meaningless, It is wisdom that rules my Destiny"

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Shayla Stargazer Petrolu


Member # 123

posted 01-11-2003 07:21 PM     Profile for Shayla Stargazer Petrolu   Author's Homepage   Email Shayla Stargazer Petrolu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Shayla knew exactly why Aeylmaar would have thought Jharu was Roan's heir. After all, the Sith as they were had Dark Lord Roan as the leader of the Warrior clan. Her eyes darkened for but a moment, then she let all outward traces of her feelings regarding that vanish, turning to Jharu and gently taking his bleeding hand in both of hers.

"Here, let me help you with that," she said kindly, drawing upon the Force to channel some of its healing energies to Jharu's hand. Granted, she'd need some time if she was going to completely heal the wound--she could only speed up the rate of healing-- but she could at least put a stop to the bleeding fairly quickly.

Keeping Jharu's hand in hers and continuing to pour healing energies into it, she looked to him, sensing his confusion. "Roan is the Dark Lord of the Warrior Clan at this time, Jharu," she said quietly and simply, uttering not another word.

But yet a small voice in the back of her mind added something to that one statement. He was the Dark Lord of the Warrior Clan...

...for now...

[ 01-11-2003 07:22 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


"Small minds think in small terms!"
(I am NOT turning to the Darkside...)

Posts: 1711 | From: see Mara1Jade | Registered: Jun 2001  |  Logged:


Member # 342

posted 01-11-2003 09:49 PM     Profile for Jharu   Author's Homepage   Email Jharu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Jharu smiled at shayla for a moment while she began healing, "Thank you..."
But as she spoke her next words he had to shake his head slowly, "I may not be the most brilliant kid in the universe, but this isnt the time the sith came from... im guessing that roan WAS the dark lord of thier time, but this isnt that time... This is 4000 years into the future..."

He then shrugged putting it behind him he just smiled to himself before suddenly pausing and turning to shayla as a sudden realization hit him dead in the face, "shayla... Why do you call my mom Graysith? now that i think about it... Uncle terrin called her that too... But... Why?"


"power? power is meaningless, It is wisdom that rules my Destiny"

Posts: 165 | From: | Registered: Sep 2002  |  Logged:

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