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posted 02-21-2009 11:00 PM    
You are up; PG and I have been waiting...


posted 02-22-2009 03:19 PM    
I have been sick. Sick enough to actually take time off work. I am feeling better, finally. I will post tonight after all the lesson plans are finished.


posted 02-23-2009 12:38 PM    
Wow, glad to know you are feeling better now. What was wrong?


posted 02-23-2009 04:04 PM    
Some uber-viral-cold thing that has been floating all over the school. I have never had my throat hurt so bad in my life and was certain I had strep (but didn't). By Thursday afternoon I had NO voice but didn't feel too bad. It was earlier in the week that I didn't sleep all night and called in by 6 am, which is unual for me. Took me all weekend to recover MOST of my voice and still having an annoying runny nose, but at least I can breath and talk now!


posted 02-23-2009 04:59 PM    
Yeah, I'm heading into the doctor myself in a little while. Today I've been watching my temperature go from 97.3 up to 99.9, then back down again. Up and down all day long, ick. Not to mention chills, aches, headache, the usual flu-ish-ness. I'm heading into the doctor because I still have this damned vertigo which I've had since last MAY; HOPEFULLY they can figure out what the problem is and get rid of all these goofy symptoms.

Personally I think I have a whopper of an inner ear infection, which is slowly taking over my body, probably fueled by the stress I've been going through for the past seven weeks. I probably have like a zero white blood cell count!

But... yay rah...


posted 02-24-2009 09:39 PM    
Hope the doctor figures out something that will help you, vertigo is terrible!!!


posted 02-25-2009 12:36 AM    
Well, my temp topped out at 101.6, and the doc put me on a 5-pak of Azithromycin (sp??). You take two the first day (ie: last night) and then one a day for four more days.

Wow. Super stuff.

Last night I thought I was going to die... just passed out on the couch for an hour, woke up, watched Bab5 for a bit, then staggered off to bed.

Woke up today feeling just fine, if a bit tired. Still a bit tired now, but other than that everything is functional, lol.

As I said, powerful stuff! As for the dizziness, he thinks it's paroxysmal vestibular positional disorder, or something like that, lol. Basically there are bits of calcium in part of your inner ear, which aids in how you sense the world through your ears. Sometimes they break away and "drift" into the semi-circular canals; they're ok there until you make a positional change. I get dizzy when I go from laying down to standing up, or vice versa. "Positional." The dizziness is short-lived. "Paroxysmal." And it's in my inner ear. "Vestibular." Yay, rah. I guess there's some kind of therapy where they put you through all kinds of positional changes to make the calcium bits move out of the canals and back into the other part of the inner ear, but I think I'm just gonna go to the gym and try somersaults and stuff, lol. Beats paying a $30 copay three times a week!

Now you know more about this than you ever wanted to know...


posted 02-25-2009 12:51 PM    
Sorry to hear abot the health problems going around and it seems like I might get to join the club. Found out I might have selective IGA defeciancy and have to get fun blood tests for it... Yea...

On a less gloomier note is it Link's turn to reply, I think the last comment was either to Erik or Yaoksi but I might be wrong.

Erik Kartan

posted 03-23-2009 07:51 PM    
Sorry for once again being AWOL guys. To make a long story short, I totaled my 6-year old, paid for car in a wreck and have been dealing with straightening things out on that and buying a car. Now that things are settled (I think) life should get back to a more usual pace.

Yaoksi Joao

posted 03-27-2009 07:16 PM    
Cel -- I'm not "overlooking" a reply. I'm just having problems coming up with one, so I'm thinking...

and thinking...

and thinking....