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posted 08-14-2006 01:45 PM    
Ok, just to inform everyone, even though many of you already know this:

Wednesday of this week (late afternoon/early evening) I'm taking off to drive to Minneapolis. From there I'm flying out to Cozumel, MX -- WAHOO!!! I'm really looking forward to this, it's been forever since I've been there, and it's going to be a nice vacation before classes start up again. I'm going here instead of my usual southwest jaunt because it's the last year you can go to Mexico without a passport.

I'm returning sometime LATE the 27th of August. Although I believe I do have internet access there -- which I'll try to utilize in the evenings upon occasion -- I more than likely won't be posting during the time I'm gone.

So if anyone wants to do something spectacular in the role play threads that my characters are in, now's the time to do it!! Or else wait until I get back.

Like I said, I'll try to pop on once in awhile, however.

If anyone is interested, here's the URL for a site with a virtual tour of the place I'm staying, if you want to take a gander... ent.dll?qscr=dspv&itty=new&from=m&shtl=1&htid=2260&crti=4&mdpcid=21187-1.ExpediaHotelVirtualTours&&zz=1155581605150&

Here's the URL for a live webcam; hehe, I'll find the spot, and SOME evening, say 8:00 Central time, I'll be there waving to you guys! I don't know if Cozumel has Daylight Savings or not, so if anyone chooses to watch me wave to you -- assuming I can find this spot! -- you might want to try looking at 7:00 pm and then 8:00, just in case!!

ADIOS!! (And thanks for all the fish...)

[ 08-14-2006 01:56 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]

Thea Morgan

posted 08-14-2006 01:59 PM    
Have a great time GS!


posted 08-15-2006 03:16 PM    
What a coincidence, I happen to be going to Cozumel this week, too!

Trips are much more fun when you can split the cost with someone, don't you think? Have fun, everyone, while I get tan and sleep with the fishes!

Hmmm, maybe I better not phrase it that way...


posted 08-15-2006 03:29 PM    
Hey, we're not going to sleep with the fishes...

...we're going to swim with the dolphins!

Right, PG?


posted 08-15-2006 11:13 PM    
Coincidence? Pah! By the way, when is your convention happening eh?


posted 08-16-2006 01:39 AM    
Oops, missed it. It was a couple weeks ago!!


posted 08-16-2006 01:49 AM    
Oh, that convention that I missed because I'm working all the dang time? Except for the next few days, heh.


posted 08-16-2006 12:26 PM    
Ok, a final adios, amigos!

Mara watch over things for me, Ryk you too and Thea--??

Hehe... you know you CAN wake yourself up from the coma you've been in like, forever...

I'll try to get online from Cozumel, and will chase down that webcam. Look for me waving at FOUR pm CENTRAL DAYLIGHT time instead of what I said earlier, as they shut down the webcam at 5:00 their time. I'll try to get there next week TUESDAY AND/OR WEDNESDAY at this time, no guarantees though.


[ 08-16-2006 12:51 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]

Thea Morgan

posted 08-16-2006 03:37 PM    
I can YAY!!!! Exciting! Now if I could just move... White water rafting in low water is no fun - we majorly crashed - almost got someone pinned under the boat - we are all really beat up right now! I've never been so scared in three seconds! But the rapids were wicked awesome!


posted 08-22-2006 08:34 AM    
Hola from Cozumel!

Internet is very limited here, so I only have a few minutes. So far we´re still alive, although there are lots of adventures to tell about. Crabs, crocodiles, huge iguanas, sea turtles, and rental cars... yeah, much more time is needed!

We are going to try to find the webcam today, hopefully by 4 CT, but the storm that was threatening might be kicking up after all.

Adios for now!


posted 08-22-2006 10:01 AM    
You two give each other a big hug and don't say the wrong words (it IS mexico!) in the local language now! Anyway, good to hear from you guys, and hope that you're having fun.


(Sorry, I don't know how to say goodbye in spanish, just french)